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gfm gf xten

GFM GF-8 Xten

The GF-8 CRANE SYSTEM is an industry standard in modular rideable and remote cranes. It‘s versatile, durable and provides unmatched ease of movement and steady crane moves. The simple rigging assembly and fast set up make the GF-8 extremely popular. By adding the Xten Kit, the standard GF-8 crane can be extended to a GF-8 Xten Crane providing extra height and lift range.
About GFM GF-8 Xten

The GF-8 Xten Crane System is a standard GF-8 Crane plus the Xten Kit. It has a double, rod rigging system, a higher pivot height, an extra weight bucket and a longer rear end section than the standard GF-8.

gmf gf xten